GeoWeek 2024 Highlights – The Future of GeoTechnologies

This past week, our team had the incredible opportunity to immerse ourselves in the cutting-edge world of geotechnologies at GeoWeek in Denver, Colorado. The event served as a knowledge hub, offering insights into the latest advancements and innovations that will shape the future of our industry. In this blog post, we’re excited to share our experiences, discoveries, and how these new technologies will enhance our commitment to providing top-notch services to our valued customers and partners.

A Week of Intense Learning and Growth: GeoWeek proved to be more than just a conference; it was a dynamic platform for professionals and companies dedicated to capturing technologies. The week was filled with intensive learning sessions, invaluable networking opportunities, and substantial personal and professional growth. From the latest drones to state-of-the-art GIS software, advanced scanners, Digital Twins, LiDAR sensors, high-tech mapping tools, cutting-edge cameras, and now AI integrations! GeoWeek showcased the diverse array of technologies driving the geospatial industry forward.

The Power of Matterport:

As Matterport Service Partners, we were particularly excited to witness the unveiling of Matterport’s latest functionalities during GeoWeek. Matterport remains a cornerstone in our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions, and the newly released features are poised to elevate our services even further.

To explore these exciting updates, you can visit Matterport’s official release page.

Embracing Innovation:

In a rapidly evolving industry, staying at the forefront of innovation is crucial. GeoWeek reinforced our belief in the significance of investing in the latest technologies to provide our customers and partners with unmatched services. The diverse range of tools and solutions showcased at the event has fueled our enthusiasm to integrate these advancements into our workflows, ensuring that we continue to meet and exceed the evolving needs of our clients.

As we reflect on an inspiring week at GeoWeek, we are eager to bring the wealth of knowledge and cutting-edge solutions we’ve gained to our clients and partners. The geospatial landscape is evolving, and we are committed to evolving with it. Stay tuned as we continue to explore and implement these exciting technologies, striving to deliver excellence in every aspect of our services.


GeoWeek 2024 was not just an event; it was an immersive experience that rekindled our passion for innovation and excellence. From the multitude of technologies showcased to Matterport’s groundbreaking updates, we are excited about the future of geotechnologies and our role in shaping it. As we move forward, our commitment to providing the best possible services remains unwavering, fueled by the knowledge and inspiration gained at GeoWeek. We look forward to sharing more exciting developments with you soon.


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